Florida Loan Modification / Loan Modification Help!

If you are currently facing financial problems and are considering a loan modification then Harpenden Financial can help you!

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 Harpenden Financial have a wealth of experience in the mortgage industry and want to help people stay in their own homes by arranging a permanent loan modification on their current mortgage.

Harpenden Financial will mediate between you (the borrowers) and the lender especially regarding mortgage loans, in cases where the borrower is unable to repay the loan on the prescribed timetable. The result can either be a lower interest rate, an extension of the term of the loan, a different type of loan, or a mixture of these solutions.

Harpenden Financial will in the first instance determine if you qualify for a loan modification and offer alternative options if you don't qualify. We assess the borrower's ability to pay through analysis of a variety of data including wage statements, investment accounts, bank accounts and tax returns. We then make proposals to the lender for restructuring of the mortgage terms that will enhance the likelihood of repayment.

Harpenden Financial will help you prepare the forms and paperwork to get a trial modification and assistance with securing a permanent modification by negotiating directly with your lender. A loan modification can result in an interest rate reduction, a term extension or a principal reduction to enable you to remain in your home. Lenders have an interest in offering concessions to troubled borrowers because the costs of foreclosure are high. Also, borrowers do not want to take possession of illiquid real estate, especially in falling markets.

Contact Harpenden Financial today for a no obligation consultation to see if you qualify for a loan modification!

Tel: 321 446 6462 Harpenden Financial, 1900 Building, S Harbor Blvd, Melbourne, Fl. 32901


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